Land and Environment Court of NSW

Valuation objection appeals - Preparing for the first directions hearing

The Practice Note (PDF, 294.3 KB) requires the parties to the appeal to take certain steps before the first directions hearing, as follows.

Who Description
VALUER-GENERAL Provide access to the documents
The Valuer-General is to provide the applicant with access to documents relevant to the Valuer-General’s consideration and determination of the valuation (paragraph 20).
APPLICANT Notify Valuer-General of the contended valuation
The applicant is to notify the Valuer-General of the valuation for which the applicant contends (paragraph 18).
BOTH PARTIES Meet for mediation
The applicant and Valuer-General are to meet for the purpose of mediation to attempt to resolve the case without the need for a court hearing (paragraph 21).
BOTH PARTIES Discuss and agree on whether to rely on expert evidence
The applicant and Valuer-General are to discuss whether they propose to rely on expert evidence, including valuation evidence (paragraph 22).
BOTH PARTIES Complete valuation objections information sheets
The applicant and Valuer-General are to complete a valuation objections information sheet (Schedule A of the Practice Note (PDF, 294.3 KB)) which is to be handed to the Court at the first directions hearing (paragraph 25).
BOTH PARTIES Discuss and agree on directions
The applicant and Valuer-General are to discuss and agree upon the directions which the Court should make at the first directions hearing.   These directions should be based on the usual directions at first directions hearing in Schedule B of the Practice Note.   If the parties do not agree, each party should prepare their own version of the directions they propose.
Last updated:

16 Apr 2024

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