Land and Environment Court of NSW


What is adjudication?

Judges, commissioners and registrars of the Court may hear proceedings and make decisions. Their decisions are final and binding on the parties. This process of hearing and deciding proceedings is called adjudication.

When is adjudication available?

Adjudication is available for all proceedings in all classes of the Court’s jurisdiction. It is the traditional method by which courts dispose of proceedings.

How is adjudication undertaken?

Adjudication in the Court is undertaken by hearings either in a courtroom or on the site of the dispute. The form and venue of the hearing varies depending on the type of proceedings, the complexity of the case and the number of issues in dispute.

Information on hearings is available elsewhere on the Court’s website under what to expect at hearings.

Outcomes and orders

The outcomes and orders for proceedings disposed of by adjudication varies depending on the type of case involved. The outcomes and orders will be stated in the judgment of the Court.

Further information on judgments, outcomes and orders is available under:

Last updated:

08 May 2023

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